Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Politics of Blogging

This is not a politics blog.  I just want to make that clear since so far all of the posts have been political. I have plenty of other topics on which to expound.  In fact, I have been keeping a list of potential blog topics. Here is the list direct from the iCloud:
  • Nugent
  • True Blood
  • VH 1
  • Food star
See?  Not a political topic in the bunch, unless you count some upcoming words on the Sanguinistas and their anti-mainstreaming propaganda.  The point is that if you disagree with my politics, you are wrong you can just sit tight because odds are the next post will be about TV.  
Why so much TV?  Because I live a meaningless and self-indulgent existence. Here is a typical day:
  1. Work
  2. Clean cat poops
  3. Watch TV
  4. Sleep fitfully
Weekends are pretty wild, too:
  1. Pay bills
  2. Go to Target
  3. Rent/return movie at Redbox
  4. Nap
  5. Clean cat poops
  6. Watch TV/Redbox
  7. Pass out
Once in a while I might go out to eat if I have a Groupon. Whee!
I’m not complaining, though.  It is the life I have chosen and it could certainly be a lot worse.  For example, it could be the same life, but take place in Mississippi.
The best part about my so-called life is that I have ample free time to blog and you are reaping all the benefits.  This doesn’t mean there will never be another post on my other blog, TBIAW.  They may slow down in frequency, though. Don’t go expecting the crazy pace of almost one post per month. For fans of TBIAW just remember this: I am probably drinking right now.

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